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Include Unity Glass In Your Wedding Ceremony

Blend Your Love and Lives In Glass

Seal your love and immortalize your wedding day with our revolutionary Blending of the Glass Unity Ceremony – an innovative take on the classic Blending of the Sands.


In this unique ceremony, we utilize crushed glass, or 'frit,' instead of sand, which will later be transformed into a Unity Sculpture. This artistic masterpiece will testify to your eternal love, a tangible symbol of your unity you can cherish forever.

Your frit can be used to make not only a sculpture but glasses, wall flutters, vases, ring holders, ornaments and more. Purchase for your ceremony or give this Unity Glass as a gift to the bride or groom in your life.

Do you have left over frit from your Unity pieces? If so did you know that you can still use it? You can order a new Unity piece for your special anniversary or take a class together using it. Call our gallery to learn more about how to use your frit.

Include Unity Glass In Your Wedding Ceremony
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